View real-life examples of top sales and marketing cover letters, salary negotiation templates, job application walk-throughs, top thank you note templates and more. Learn how to get employers to make a decision, get more interviews at higher-quality companies, see low-risk, high reward negotiation templates, learn how to reschedule an interview and much more.
- Receive more job opportunities
- Make sure employers don’t forget about you
- Wait less time between interviews
- Increase your networks
- Get feedback when needed
- Negotiate higher salaries
- Connect on personal basis with interviewers
Navigate the interviewing process with strategic tools
Access to carefully crafted, customizable cover letters thank you notes, salary negotiation emails and other mission critical correspondence drastically reduces effort, increases application response rates and helps you explain your goals, accomplishments and career objectives in a way that gets hiring managers to listen.
How Digital Correspondence Works

Access a library of constantly updated content for every stage of your job search.

Utilize a tailored, proven approach in all of your digital communication.

Connect with your future employer more effectively and take your career to new heights.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is most likely to benefit from this product?
Intelligent Job Seeker’s memberships are most often used by salaried employees who have a college education and are trying to get into a higher level role in an industry they have experience in, an entirely new industry, or begin an alternative career in sales and marketing.
The different learning portals are customized by desired career type, e.g. digital marketing, outside sales, etc. as well as by years of experience. It begins from the executive level and drills all the way down to tips specified for recent college graduates.
What if I have special requests that require coaching?
In some instances, the executives in charge of Intelligent Job Seeker will engage in career coaching. However, because it is expensive, and because all of the content can be found within the membership, we encourage job seekers to go that route first.
However, if one-on-one coaching is desired, that is available via email to one of our account managers.
Will membership help me overcome hurdles specific to me?
Intelligent Job Seeker’s learning portals have specified lessons for job seekers in nearly any situation ranging from frequent job changes to a desire to change career completely to someone who has been laid off or is coming back from extended break.
We understand that everyone has unique needs and Intelligent Job Seeker is designed specifically to be able to help job seekers with any need – whether wanting to get to the next level in their career or explaining a topic that is difficult to discuss.
What happens when my 90 days of access are up?