How to Sell Yourself in an Interview

How to Sell Yourself in an Interview 

Want to get better at Title Reiteration. Here’s just some more of our award-winning content that will get you there.


  • There are ways to sell yourself during an interview that can across as not bragging
  • Much of that strategy has to do with how you preface the statement
  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3

General Formula

Preface Statement (conveyed in a thoughtful, reflective tone) + What Has Made You Successful

Preface Statements

Preface statements are reflective in nature, talk about your past and can easily be worked into the discussion.

Example Phrases:

    • Part of what has made me successful
    • What I attribute a lot of my ability to do well
    • What I attribute the success we had at company x is
    • In my opinion, part of what has given me a competitive advantage

Successful Phrases

  • Have a propensity for taking on calculated risks while not over-stretching myself.
  • Showing a commitment to current and past organizations as well as a commitment to consistent personal growth.
  • Comfortable with ambiguity and change and can maintain integrity and positivity in difficult situations.
  • Driven to succeed not just for the money, but motivated by an embedded desire to achieve for the sake of achievement.
  • An ability to remain optimistic, hardworking and creative when the odds seem against them.
  • Steadfast organization and a willingness to always look at what could be done better and find ways to improve.


See real application, negotiation, thank you’s and follow-ups written by competing job seekers. Use these to up the persuasiveness of what you write.



See real application, negotiation, thank you’s and follow-ups written by competing job seekers. Use these to up the persuasiveness of what you write.



See real application, negotiation, thank you’s and follow-ups written by competing job seekers. Use these to up the persuasiveness of what you write.


Much More Than Interviewing Help 

IS is much more than interviewing and job search content. If you continue to study the theories and strategies interleaved throughout IJS, you will get the job you want.  But, the unique theories will allow you to achieve significantly more than your peers from day one.