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Job Search Preparation Portal

Your Personalized Job Search Prep

Welcome to your personalized job search guide prep. These preparation resources will help you ace your interview and expedite the hiring process. Interviewing is a learned skill. Though, you must learn it from sources who know what they are doing.

What’s Included

When it comes to transitioning careers, the tools and insight provided by IJS have proven superior by every sense of the word. Below, you will find some free access to career content Intelligent Job Seeker delivers applicants who desire a competitive advantage.  This content was taken from Interviewing Essentials and Digital Correspondence.

Interview Preparatory Full Articles

How to Differentiate Yourself

Tricks and tips to stand out to even the most scrutinizing hiring managers.

Explaining Why You Left Your Last Job

Describe why you are no longer with your old firm in a respectful, insightful manner.

Executive Interviewing Download

Translate business insights into actionable interviewing strategies.

Podcast: Interview Preparation Methodology

Listen to tips that will help you nail your next sales or marketing interview.

Selling Yourself in a Marketing Interview

Understand how to better present your experience in a concise, compelling way.

Interviewing for a Sales Hunter Position

Master strategies and tactics to win over the hiring manager of your next sales interview.